Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Red My Secret Favorite Color Essay Example

Red My Secret Favorite Color Essay Example Red My Secret Favorite Color Essay Red My Secret Favorite Color Essay Red my secret favorite color Red is my favourite colour secret favourite colour. Why I like red has always been a mystery, and well, even I cared less to sit and think why red? Everyone has their own favourite colour (although I never understood how we decide our favourite colour. I think there must be a gene in our very complicated human body for that too) and so do I, but mine is secret! I don’t tell anyone about my choice of colour, the mere reason being – it is not supposed to be a boys’ colour. I really fail to understand who decided, and moreover how did they decide that blue is the shade for boys and pink for girls? 6 I mean, how can someone else decide what is my favorite colour? If I want my room to be painted red and black, why does everyone else say that it should be blue instead? The world is, like our human body, very complicated! The only problem in me as a young boy has been anger. Anger more than the word actually means! I still very clearly remember getting a score of 113 out of 150 in a â€Å"Magnitude of anger in You† test when the class average was just 58! So, that makes it very clear. Why I am talking about my anger is because I relate this to my favourite colour red. Red is usually used to symbolize anger, violence and aggression. So it may be my choice of colour red that attracts anger in me, or it may be completely the opposite – anger in me being the reason for my liking towards red. Whatever it may be, I still love red. What else does red symbolize? Blood! Blood really fascinates me, well not when it is pouring out of my own knee! But generally, I like blood; perhaps it started when I used to see blood every night. That does not mean I am a Dracula; it was actually my dad’s tiny drop of blood that was forced out of his finger every days to check his sugar level. I used to get excited about that ‘dark red liquid’ and hold the machine at a distance from his finger and tell him to aim that drop of blood onto the white strip of that machine, but then mum would give me those looks so I knew I was supposed to get the machine closer to his finger. Since then I like the dark shade of red that blood possesses. It was this fascination towards blood that incited me to go and watch Twilight! Poor fellows the other boys who told me it’s a girly movie and I shouldn’t be watching it obviously didn’t know that I saw it not for Edward Cullen or for that matter even Bella. I was going to see blood (although I was quite disappointed at the very limited ‘screening’ of blood in the movie). And how would they know anyway, after all they didn’t know about my secret favourite colour? Whenever I think of the colour red, one thing that is very prominent in my thoughts is my dad’s red tie. Aah! I have never wanted anything more than that in my life. And I envy him so much, not just for possessing one, but for the fact that he doesn’t let me wear it! Only once had I got the honor of having it around my neck – during the Model United Nations, when I had literally pleaded my dad and convinced him that I will keep it very safely. I walked with my head up in the air throughout the day. I wish he saw my love for that red tie and gave it to me more often. Strangely enough, I can say I sometimes hate red too. I hate it when I see lots of it in the rear lights and I know I’m stuck in a traffic jam late at night; I hate it when I am late to school, and the last traffic light goes red, just when I’m almost there; and I completely hate it when I am almost done programming my java applet and then a sign appears in red – â€Å"Error†. But whatever it may be, red continues to attract me. I don’t how or why, but red seems to give me strength, it gives me passion, shows me my aim. I wear red, I feel confident. I think of my future, I see that red dot in the centre of the dartboard my aim and the difficulties I have to face to reach there. Red is not just a colour to me, it’s much more – it’s my secret favourite colour.

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